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It’s no secret that a lot of Americans think Hillary Clinton belongs in jail. From Clinton Cash and cronyism to Benghazi, classified files, and the Home-Brew Email Server, she’s got enough red flags waving around her to be renamed Tiananmen Square.
But one Iowa town took the “Hillary in orange” theme to new heights of performance art on Saturday, July 30. Arcadia, IA was celebrating the Arcadia Fire Department’s 100th anniversary with a parade. And float perpetrators Kyle Julin and Josh Reetz decided to build Hillary a jail cell on a flatbed and tow her through Arcadia with a “Hillary for Prison” sign festooning the side.
Their friend Adam Corky impersonated Hillary, in an orange jumpsuit and mask:
“It was my idea,” Kyle Julin of Manilla said. “Pretty much me and Josh (Reetz). It took us about a day-and-a-half to build.”
Julin said he, Reetz and Adam Corky (Clinton impersonator) are not affiliated with any official political organization. Julin said he’s an independent and as of March 2014 Reetz was a registered Democrat.
Julin said the crew had been throwing around the idea of entering the parade for awhile.
“Probably a month ago we joked around about it, and at the beginning of last week we decided to do it,” Julin said. We started on it Wednesday night.”
Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, according to Julin, who said “only one group booed us.” The Daily Times Herald reports that one alert 8-year-old boy even got to hit Hillary’s jail cell with a water balloon.
A flyover-country parade skewered another high-profile pol in 2014, when the Norfolk, Nebraska Independence Day parade had a float depicting the “Obama Presidential Library” as an outhouse.
Most Americans just laughed that off as reasonably humorous, creative political criticism. But the Stalinist Obama administration actually dispatched the U.S. Justice Department to look into the situation and “mediate” the burgeoning incubation of a “hate crime.”
Some readers may worry that Julin, Reetz, and Corky need to watch their backs now, given Hillary Clinton’s track record with associates who met untimely ends. But the men can probably relax, as the funny stuff seems to happen mostly to those with close ties to the Clintons.
They’re all over the spectrum in Iowa, incidentally. CBS Des Moines reported on the Hillary float in Arcadia, but illustrated its story online with a yard display from Boone, Iowa, in which the homeowner put an orange-jumpsuited Donald Trump in “jail.” (Which seems to tell us where the Iowa MSM outlets are on the spectrum, come to think of it.)
Crossposted from Liberty Unyielding
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